I’m a hybrid designer/developer with over 25 years of development and 7 years of UX mobile design experience with some basic graphic design skills to boot. I’m able to transform vague ideas into visualized reality, from initial outlines on paper and simple, digital prototypes, to on device, high fidelity iOS prototypes and even shipped products.


Projects Overview

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R Community

R Community is a social community directory for businesses and organizations based on location and proximity to users.

From initial concept, design, to development of both the iOS app and a Google Cloud backend, the buck stops with me. I’m also responsible for website design and Marketing materials.

Cue Master

An elegantly simple track player for iPad targeted towards theatrical productions, talent shows, choreographers, dancers or other performers using backing tracks by allowing users to create Cue Playlists from their music library, Dropbox™ or Google Drive folder.

I’m responsible for concept, design, development, testing and support.

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Music To Go

A clean and simpler way to browse and playback your music without the added complexity of the native Music app on iOS.

I’m responsible for concept, design, development, testing and support.


Mobile and web platform for integrating all of your photos and videos from various platforms (mobile, desktop, hard drive and thumb drives / camera cards) into a private distributed personal “cloud”. All content was copied to a user’s Lyve Home device which made it available to all your devices.

I was the UX Design engineer in charge of prototypes used by design, leadership and the product group to try out new features up to a year in advance. I eventually became the lead designer for iOS and Mac OS X platforms.


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A Real Estate iOS app with a focus on discovering properties matching your interests with notifications and iBeacon technology.

I was responsible for UI/UX Design and created an iOS prototype for a revamped UI, which eventually became the shipping product.